Asked by:- Shivam Yadav on twitter: @d_shivamyadav
“If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous.”
-Will Durant
So the “Anarchist/Anarchism” have a political connotation. It is the political philosophy which more and less wants to remove any forms of hierarchy. To be free from the rules made by any authority and the authority itself.
Au contraire to the popular belief that Anarchists are pessimistic, they in reality have a more optimistic view on human nature. They believe that throughout history humans have been corrupted and debauched by the prevailing government, society and most of all the state. That is why they believe if these constraints are removed then the 'positive potential’ or the 'essential goodness’ of the humans will be revealed.Sorry for the digression from the question asked.
But I think the question Shivam wanted to ask was whether humans are 'unnatural/destructive’ on the earth?
Or maybe whether humans are defying the Laws/Rules of nature like an Anarchist?
Maybe the later one is the one. That the humans are trying to usurp the authority of nature on the earth.
But isn't it true that the so-called laws of nature are itself just a social construct that humans themselves made.
As per me the earth or the nature was not always this forgiving earlier no life possible on the earth then some life was possible then came millions and no further to billions of individuals of millions of species. But sometimes in between there came a species homo sapiens or humans and they gave this working structure of earth a political name 'laws of nature’ and fixed it with something good or positive. And it apparently became 'Mother Nature’.
Now there are 2 possibilities:
That there is no such thing as laws of nature and everything is going perfectly fine.
That there are laws of nature and the humans are playing with them and making everything ‘unnatural’ or disturbing the balance of nature.
If you believe the first possibility then there is no need to read further, the possibility is itself the answer.
But what if you believe the second one?
Then I will still say everything is going as per laws of nature. Let me explain it a little bit, you believe everything on earth is made by nature and they have a purpose or role to play according to the laws of nature, and so as to fulfil their roles they were given appropriate tools in their body.
For instance, predators like tigers, sharks, etc. are there to keep check on the prey population so as to maintain the ecological balance. And prey like deer, bulls, etc are there to keep check on the wild growth of trees to make space for other species, microbes etc. to grow. They were given appropriate tools also like predators have sharp teeths, claws etc. prey have coarse teeth, 4 stomachs etc.
So everything was intended to be what the laws of nature demanded from them.
Now where do humans fit in all this setup. Humans are also creatures of nature; they are not some alien lifeform which travelled through space and arrived on earth on their spaceship or riding on an asteroid as organisms and evolved into their current form. Humans have supple body, weak limbs, etc. and though being categorized as 'primates’ they don't have ability to dwell on trees, they lacked most of the physical tools for survival that most species have, but the mother nature gave them a very different tool which was adaptive and evolutionary namely, 'the brain’. And as it turned out it has the ability to outsmart any tools or weapons that any species has on the earth.
So it is nature which gave these tools to us that may mean that nature has intended us to be what we are. As per this then we are not acting like Anarchists and defying the rules of nature but we merely follow the laws of nature and everything is going as planned.
Maybe the mother earth itself has intended to use humans as a tool to reset itself to a starting point i.e., to zero, back tp the uninhabitable, unforgivable ball of fire or ice as it actually happens in millions of years the coming and going of ice age repeatedly.
Though there is one point that was put to me by one of very respected person to me that puzzled me is that the humans were give something more than the other species and it is not any physical thing but a more of a metaphysical thing, i.e., 'sixth sense’ meaning ability to know what is right or wrong, which can help humans to maintain the status quo in the nature or to accelerate the destruction by disturbing the balance. To that I only repeated the same thing I was saying that maybe it was intended by nature. But this ‘sixth sense’ thing somewhat troubled me.
Let me know what you people think on this in the comments section.
I hope this helps Shivam in any form. My best wishes are with you.
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